BIA: shades & a glitter ball

Events and Exhibitions

July 10, 2015

We’re sitting here, heads still thumping to the rhythm of one of Wednesday night’s 70s disco tracks, using the Top Dogs sunnies to keep out the summer glares, regaling of our tales and memories of another fabulous BIA night.

The old adage of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” could easily be applied to Post’s production of the event over the last few years, where a well-worn formula has worked for them. But, in what could perhaps be seen as a brave move, they shook things up more than a little bit last night and changed some things. They broke the awards part into two halves, interspersed them with some great cabaret sections, which for this man of a certain age took me back to my teenage years. Was a big fan of Heatwave back in the day, so a definite tick in the box from me!

But perhaps best of all, the whole tone of the night really turned up the fun dial.

We of course loved the whole Top Dogs theme we’d created, but to see that played out in the hall with shades for everyone and the fantastic amount of selfies they then spawned was fantastic. To then tie them into the desserts with chocolate shades was another brilliantly simple but fun touch. The sight of Swifty in a purple flared suit and wearing platforms is something that will stay in the memory forever, especially when it came to him dancing with ‘the Pub Landlord’, which raises perhaps the bravest thing done and the master stroke of the evening. Can’t ever remember any other event where the celebrity MC has bounced straight off the stage at the off into the audience to rip them apart with such zeal and to then carry that on through the rest of the evening to such great affect. We didn’t escape his sharp tongue either and are now to be known as the “Oxo cube for the Insurance Industry”… thanks Al!

So for us it’s hats off – or is it shades on – to Post and their events team for a job brilliantly done and we’re definitely feeling the pressure to raise our game yet again for 2016 to come up with something truly WOW!