What’s on the box at FERMA 2015?

Events and Exhibitions

October 6, 2015

While most of us are crazy busy running from stand to stand and flicking between #FERMA2015 and #FERMAForum on Twitter, Mark has been mingling with the stars, insurance and rugby alike, all in the name of FERMA TV.
We announced back in March how delighted we are that FERMA selected us to once again provide the official FERMA TV channel for this year’s forum in Venice.

As FERMA TV presenter, Mark’s highlight of this year’s event was sealed on the first day with this opportunity to interview rugby legend, Sean Fitzpatrick on the similarities between rugby and insurance:

Amongst others, Mark has also caught up with Geovanni Cecconi, Director Active Knowledge Centre for the Consorzio Venezia Nuova (responsible for the MOSE project):

…and Benno Reischel & Aysan Sinanlioglu – Aysan Sinanlioglu is Executive Vice President of Risk Management at Dogus Holding & President of the Enterprise Risk Management Association(Turkey):

These are just a few of our FERMA TV highlights so far – find all of them on the FERMA Forum 2015 Youtube Channel.

If you’re here in Venice too, please do say hi if you see us around, or feel free to grab some popcorn and sit in the audience at the FERMA TV studio!