Whatever ticket type you have, all BIBA attendees can take part in the ‘fringe sessions’ -presentations running throughout the day outside the main presentation schedule, so you won’t miss any of the core programme. Each of the fringe sessions, offered by a select number of exhibitors, are specifically aimed at helping attendees identify new areas of revenue.
The full fringe programme is available here, but if you can only attend one session on each day, we’ve picked out a couple of sessions we’re personally looking forward to attending:
Legally speaking, just who is putting the customer first? – Berrymans Lace Mawer
Wednesday 14th May, 15:30 – 16:15
“In today’s highly competitive, highly regulated market, customer service and certainty over decision making needs to drive brokers and their insurers. Legal services have always been a key element of this, but by their nature perhaps have not sat front and centre when thinking about the customer relationship cycle. In this workshop, leading insurance legal firm BLM will explore how to effectively manage these relationships and how, when properly delivered, they make a real difference to service levels and help improve customer relationships.”
The business benefits of recruiting apprentices – an employer’s experience – National Apprenticeship Service & Crescens George, BeWiser Insurance
Thursday 15th May, 13:45-14:30
“An opportunity to hear first hand, how an employer set up their apprenticeship programme, the reasons why and the benefits it has brought to their business. This workshop showcases the experience of an employer, demonstrating how apprenticeships have been a key vehicle in supporting them to raise the skills levels of their workforce. The presentation will include input from an apprentice and provide opportunity for Q&A.”