AMRAE 2016 – What will be the talking points?

Events and Exhibitions

January 12, 2016

With just a month to go until the market travels to Lille for AMRAE 2016, we are looking forward to the opportunity to listen to and engage with the key players and commentators in the French risk management market, but what will be the topics of conversation this year?

Since AMRAE 2015 in Cannes, we have seen much change in the shape of the market, with the recent merger of Willis and Towers Watson and the acquisition of Gras Savoye, the ACE/Chubb merger, and the aborted acquisition of RSA by Zurich as examples.  Will this momentum for change continue in 2016? Will these changes result in a better service provided to customers, or will the challenges of integration prove a distraction?

We have observed significant political changes too – pressures on governments to cater with mass migration and terrorism, the challenge of balancing the books and the long term implications of climate change discussions, which are not without consequences for our industry.

Cyber-crime continues to grab all of the headlines – what does the future have in store? Do we really understand the scale of the risk or are the criminals ahead of the market?

On a more positive note, exhibitors are continuing to invest in their presence at AMRAE and in their strategy to effectively engage with clients and business partners and demonstrate the value and benefits they can deliver. Digital and social media will continue to play an increasing role if trends from across the globe are followed – with more content and thought-leadership being created and shared than ever before.

Over the last few years, we have seen a greater investment in the exhibition booths at AMRAE, making them a better and more comfortable business environment enabling all of us to more effectively engage with our business partners and build and maintain relationships. We are confident this trend will continue and be visible this year.

Looking forward to Lille – see you there!